The starting point of the process was to better understand Agristo employees, in order to strengthen Agristo’s employer brand together with the project team. The first step was therefore to collect all existing information, knowledge and documentation about the employees and the various forms of HR and marketing communications and processes. This information was then structured using a series of ‘archetype questions’. Based on these, a number of hypotheses were then developed; on how Agristo can describe its employees, what their motivations, needs and expectations are, how they are informed, supported, connected and engaged and through which channels this is done. The approach here is to understand what the employees’ deeper motivational drivers are. This is how we eventually arrived at a number of employee archetypes that represent the different types of Potatoholics.
In order to test, adjust and concretize the hypotheses made, the project team interviewed about 20 employees from the different sites and various departments. The insights from these conversations were used to confirm and further feed and enrich the archetypes, but also provided guidance for the next step: mapping the employee journeys. To do this, we looked into the steps taken by employees from application to onboarding and how they experienced this, but also how communication within Agristo, as an existing employee, is experienced.
We brought all this together in the TO BE employee journeys that…
… on the one hand portray the phases of discovery, evaluation and selection/starting work of a potential new employee,
… on the other hand, zooms in on the final phase of engaging the existing Potatoholics, indicating how we can best inform, empower, connect and engage employees.
By understanding what Agristo employees, new or existing, are looking for within each phase and through which channels they expect a response to this, Agristo gained insight into how to align their HR processes and communications.